Introducing the Center’s…
LGBTQ Parenting Series

Who It’s For:

Parents of LGBTQ+ youth who

  • Want to know more about the LGBTQ+ community

  • Are looking for advice on how to best support their child

  • Don’t have time in their schedule to attend one of our hour-long trainings

What’s Included:

When you sign up for our free LGBTQ Parenting Series, you’ll get access to eight pre-recorded videos that walk you through different parts of parenting. These include:

  1. A welcome video

  2. Overview of the basics of the community

  3. What if it’s a phase? (And other concerns)

  4. Parental fears (youth mental health)

  5. Adjusting to your new reality

  6. Understanding the transition process for trans youth

  7. Navigating crushes and dating

  8. Safer sex information for same gender couples

Every video comes with worksheets so you can apply the information to your specific situation and links to additional resources.

How to Sign-Up